I signed up for PPP
I already have a PPP before, but sad to say I officially, I mean accidentally vanished all my badge of honor. Especially my PPP badges, I never thought that if I change my url, my badges will be gone. I did change my url not knowing that all my decorations of my blogs will vanished. So I did signed up again in PPP and thanks they approved my blog right away. PPP is really helpful in blogging thats why Im worried that my PPP badges are loss. As I noticed, almost all bloggers have PPP, so I dont want to be out of place as a family member of PPP. Now, Im happy that I am a member again in PPP family. Supposedly, that if I change my url, all my badges will still be there. But I mistakenly believe of what I did and now Ive messed up my blogs.
At first, I didn't take the notice about losing my PPP badge, Im having a second thought that maybe my lappy is just slow to download and they not appear yet because of slow downloading. But after seeing my tabs its "Done", I began to wonder, that I did some fault why they are loss. So I did check right away the code of the badges, Im surprised it's still there, but Im confused why there not working and dont even appear in my blogs. Later then, I found out that I did something wrong in my page, just because of changing my URL. Actually, I uttered a sigh, whispered goodbye....Goodbye to all my badges..But now, Im trying to retrieve all my badge of honor of my blogs.
July 19, 2008 at 10:41 AM
Welcome to PPP.
I got my payments from PPP of $20 on the first post this month. It is good to see you here.
Wish you all the best!
July 19, 2008 at 3:11 PM
thank you,,,i hope i can get my payments too..eheeh..