
Free is Free  

I am tired of changing my templates, it gives a lot of hassle. Plus it really takes time to change, I guess I need my own design. lol. I did like my template before, but due to circumstances and to evade of having similarities, that's why I changed it.
Well, its likely to happen having the same templates in these blogsphere. That's inevitable to happen in these small world of blogging.
Officially, free templates is basically used for everyone, it's absolutely free for everybody and obviously we are free and allowed to use it. Some blogs have nice templates, plus a design by whom which is talented enough to flaunt their creativity and talent. Of course, it will become nice and looking more beautiful, certainly with a price. But some bloggers are likely to used those free templates as its nice to used it for free. That's why Im thanking those who made a free templates for different types of blogging. I guess this will be my templates from now on, I quit on changing it every time. Many thanks to those maker, I cant name them as they are many, so Im spreading my gratefulness. Hope you will make more templates for free.Lolz....

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1 comments: to “ Free is Free

  • Garden Gnome
    August 13, 2008 at 9:35 AM  

    Hi, I'm visiting through EC and left my link on your list. Free is good :) Starting with a blogger template you can do a lot of modifications to get the look you want. The blogger support group and blog has a lot of tips and there are sites dedicated to making changes in blogger templates. HTH