

It was so ridiculous that I've just wasting my time in waking up in the middle of the night. I've been part of the very long line process to get a priority number but I was failed. The next day I came back again, but still I have no chance to have a priority number. Then someone told me that I should be there very early. So I wake up in the middle of the night. I was shock when I come there, that theres a lot of people already who started to line-up in the middle of the night. So I ask one of the mates if what time they started to line their. Could you believe that they start 9pm. I couldn't believe that... well,well,well thats life now needs to suffer to commit our goals. So finally then I think that was my last day to be there,,,,huhuh..still nothing! Nothing! thus, I don't surrender. Actually I was in,... with the line-up but I wonder why they dont give me a number,,,,It's because I have no CFO Certificate....what a hilarious...lol

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