
Moms Birthday  

Today is my moms birthday...She's getting old now,hheheh. Anyway, I'm quite busy today, preparing something for my mom. Not so many things to do cause my sistah helps me too. Although, I'm not good in cooking but I am the shift in our house,lol,so I'll be the one to taste whether it taste good or not. In other words, I eat after it's done,,,meaning to say tig-kaon rako...lol
Actually, I'm a bit sad because I have no birthday presents yet for my mom,,huhuhuh. Lately, I was planning a something surprise for my mom, I like surprises though. Well, my plan is just a plan I guess, I was aiming to make it on the day on her birthday, but look, I did nothing,nothing!!..Thus, I have to go and see for something that I can and make my mom looks happy on her birthday..So have to go guys......

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