As to date, I'm being quite these past few days, not making posts but I still visit my friends who always visit my blogs. I only get on for a while and have a look whose visiting me then go log off after hitting them back. So now I have time to make a post after a long time being quite and very busy. A lot of things happened over the weekend, there is good and bad things happen. Last Saturday is fiesta in our place and I guess all my relatives was here. Plus the friends of my two sisters and some of my friends, a lot of people during that time,so I don't memorize them all whose been at that time. When it comes to occasion, my relatives will always be with us even without invitation. Were all happy at that moment plus it was a birthday of my father too. The next day, we received a text that one of my uncle was died. So we clear the information and call them right away. Afterwards, my father began to cry and we all cry as it was a sudden death. Then we went to funeral homes to see his dead body, it was a very sad moment. All of us can't accept of what happened, but no matter how hurt it is that one of our love ones is leaving, we should accept the reality, that all has an ending. Life is so unpredictable, we really dont know when our life ends.
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